Love Your Parents

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Chartres, France 2014

Love Your Parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.

I have this little soreness in my heart every time I see an old couple together, I envy them and wish upon my self that I can be like them, together till we are old and wrinkly. But also at the same time remembering my parents, how far I am from them and not being able to just be there for them more often. Time is indeed precious, spend as much time as you can with them, give them attention as we tend to caught up with our own little world.

Buckwheat Cheesy Cookies

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Since I’ve always baked for my friend’s children, I always look for something that isn’t too sweet and if possible a healthier option. So I decided to experiment using buckwheat flour (sarrasin), which in France is use to make the savoury crepes called galette. So what I did was, I replace some of the flour using buckwheat flour and it turn out good. Maybe next time I will try to incorporate more buckwheat flour as it turn out alright.

Here’s the recipe, let me know what you think about making cookies with buckwheat flour!


1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour (you can also use 1 cup all purpose and 1/2 of wholemeal to make it even more healthier)

1/2 cups of buckwheat flour/ sarrasin

1/2 teaspoons of cayenne pepper

1 teaspoons of salt ( omit if you use a salty cheese like cheddar)

2 cups of grated cheese

1 teaspoon of mustard

2 eggs (1 for the egg wash for the cookies)

4-5  tablespoon of cold water

3/4 cup of cold butter cut into small chunks

I used a food processor to blitz, but if you don’t have one you can just manually do it.

1. Shift flour, cayenne pepper and salt (optional) together

2. Mixed in the cold butter until it becomes crumbly. If you are doing it manually then rub the butter together with your hands to create the crumbly consistency

3. Beat the egg lightly with the mustard together and then put that in and mixed

4. Add the water until it form a tough dough

5. Knead the dough, rolled out the dough to 1/4″ thick and cut it our using your favourite cookie cutter.

6. Put some egg wash on top of your cookies and sprinkled some cheese on top.

7. Baked the cookies at 200 C for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown. Cool it and stored it in airtight container.

I hope you find this recipe interesting, and I hope my little friends will love it too when I bring it to them tomorrow.

Have a nice day!

Root Beer Cake

A special friend made this special cake recipe for me for my birthday and I want to share it with you all. It’s such a thoughtful gift. I am so grateful I made such wonderful friends within the wordpress community!

Obsessed with my waffle machine!!

I think I am completely in love with my waffle machine/ jaffle maker/ grill, well because it’s so easy to use! You can pretty much whip up anything sweet or salty in a flash! I really must thank my sister-in-law and brother-in-law for giving it to us for christmas, the best present ever!

My first try is to actually made this Vanilla Bean Waffle Doughnuts, I got the recipe through Pinterest! Boy it is sooooooo yummy and so quick to do, double bonus!! Here is the link to the website for the recipe!


Next I made just plain waffles for breakfast with some strawberries, bananas and drizzled with organic maple syrup! The beauty of weekends, you can go all out for breakfast right!


I made some cheesy waffles too but it was so yummy I forgot to take pictures…ooopss! However I promise I will share my salty waffles recipes in the future!

Anyway enjoy your weekend everyone!

Bookworm Heaven in Paris




Hello fellow bookworm! I know I have been MIA for a while and I just love the fact that my good blogger friend Pang reminded me that I need to get this blog going again! Thank you Pang for the friendly reminder and I  miss you too btw!

So anyway back to topic, I love to read and even though I have my kindle, I still love to buy books especially second-hand books. There are a few second-hand english book store here in Paris, so here’s one which is quite interesting. I love that they have a variety of genre and it’s just around the corner from Luxembourg garden, a perfect place to read. You can also sell your books here too if you want! I find the old gentleman in the shop quite interesting even though he didn’t talk much, he looks like he has amazing life stories and experiences, I think he might be one of the owner. I wish I could have tea and have a chat with him and exchange stories about living in Paris, that would be awesome right… But anyway I would go back browse for the next book to read.

If you need more information here the link to their website! Support your local bookshop if you can because they are disappearing day by day!

Happy Reading everyone!!