Travel Writing: is it my calling?

So I thought I’ll share what I do apart from going to French language classes and being a housewife here in Paris, I am also a Editor/Contributor for TravelersDaily, which is travel a website dedicated for women! I was asked to be a contributor when I first moved to Paris by my best friend Amalia, as she was at the time the Managing Editor for FashioneseDaily, which is a beauty and fashion portal. These websites are all under the FemaleDaily banner which is the biggest women forum portal in Indonesia, an amazing start-ups by inspirational women who started a website to share their love of fashion and beauty. Right now it has expanded to parenting website called MommiesDaily and the newest addition TravelersDaily. Even though it’s an Indonesian website, most of the content is written in English. My Indonesian isn’t that great so almost all of my articles are in English.


I was absolutely thrilled when they asked me if I wanted to be a part of it, of course I said yes! I love that I get to share my passion for travelling with others and being a part of this amazing community. I can’t wait to visit the headquarter and meet the other girls in Jakarta in November. So I am very excited about this and I thought I share with you all! Wish me luck, maybe this is my calling and hopefully I can make it my full-time career!

So if you want to check out what I’ve written just check out the website and my pen name is REN and let me know what you think! My last article is about Combating Jet Lag!
