My Pledge To The Earth

Think Eat Save

Wednesday, June 5th 2013 was the World Environment Day,  and this year focus is on food waste and productions. Therefore I pledged to myself to do these little changes in my life to help protect our beautiful earth and off course something achievable within my means.

1. I’m the biggest culprit of buying food and forgot to eat them, until they are passed their expiry date. So I decide to be more vigilant in this matter and reduce food waste as much as possible. Only buying what we can actually consume, even if it means going to the market twice a week.

2. Eat locally and seasonally as much as we can, except maybe the odd Australian Vegemite and my Indonesian sauces and spices(can’t live without them). As well as reducing my consumption of meat as they are the biggest carbon producer in the food pyramids.

3. Reduce my consumption of bottle water and drink tap water instead, at the moment I am still researching whether those Brita or Bobble filters are recyclable or biodegradable for me to make the switch.

What is your pledge for our earth?